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Available BOOKS


After years of writing down thoughts and ideas for hopes of one day being published, my dreams have came true.

If Only She Knew



Melissa is an average sixteen year-old whose life spirals out of control when she is hit with a series of terrible betrayals, cruel gossip, and the difficult consequences of being raped. Living becomes unbearable. This compelling story deals with teen depression, suicidal thoughts, doctors who feel that pills solve everything, and great parents who do everything right but still have a child fall prey.

Salem School For Troubled Youth: Haylee's Secret Gift

ISBN 1980673713


Haylee Littleton is in a new town once again with her military family. She always knew she was special. Leaving her friends behind to start middle school in a new town, Haylee discovers just how truly special she is. With her new found gift she must learn to control it or suffer the consequences from someone she never meet. 





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